Laundry Facts

​6 Laundry Accessories to Make Laundry Day Easier

February 11, 2021


On average, women spend 17 minutes a day on laundry, while men spend five minutes each day. When you add those minutes up over the course of a year, it’s clear that you spend much of your life washing, drying, and folding your clothes. Since you dedicate so much time to doing laundry, you need to get the right accessories and supplies. Check out what you need for laundry day. Pick up these supplies to make laundry day easier.


1. Mesh Laundry Bags

You already spend enough time on laundry without hand washing your clothes. You can stop hand washing your delicates and throw them in the washing machine if you invest in some mesh laundry bags. These bags are also an easy way to keep your laundry sorted. That will make it easier when laundry day rolls around. 

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2. Sneaker Bags

Laundry bags aren’t just for delicates. You can get a sneaker dryer and wash bag to keep your shoes clean. When you wash and dry your sneakers in a bag, they won’t get damaged, and they’ll come out looking as good as new. That makes a sneaker bag a wise investment.

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3. Wool Dryer Balls

Forget about using dryer sheets. These days, wool dryer balls are all the rage. Wool dryer balls soften your clothes, reduce wrinkles, and remove lint. They even remove pet hair. On top of that, wool dryer balls shorten the time you need to dry your clothes. As you can see, you have tons of reasons to use wool dryer balls.

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4. Collapsible Plastic Laundry Basket

If you wash your clothes at a laundromat in Yolo County, consider investing in a collapsible plastic laundry basket. You can put it under the bed or the closet when it’s not in use and then pull it out when it’s time to load it up and go to the laundromat. Since it’s collapsible, you never have to worry about this laundry basket getting in the way.

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5. Clip Hanger

You likely have some delicates that can make it through the washing machine but can’t go into the dryer. Get a clip hanger, so those delicates can air dry. This is so much easier than putting each delicate on its own hanger. It also takes up less space.

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6. Laundry Board

If you’re like most people, you have some trouble folding your laundry. It never looks quite right, and it ends up wrinkling. That makes you an excellent candidate for a laundry board. It makes folding laundry a cinch. If you don’t want to invest in a laundry board, you can use a laundry drop-off service in Yolo County instead. The drop-off service will handle the folding for you, so you don’t have to stress out.

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These accessories make laundry day a breeze. You can also make laundry day easier by using Lava Laundry in Yolo County. With coin-operated and drop-off laundry services, you can easily find the option that is right for you.


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